#1 Koolerant, gallon, Covington


SKU: CK1100 Category:


#1 Koolerant by Covington is available in a gallon size, but also available in a quart, or five gallons.  (Contact us by phone or e-mail for more information. )This is a general purpose koolerant designed for use when cutting any size rock up to a 6 on the Mohs hardness scale or that responds to a low/medium heat factor at blade contact. It is a clean-to-use Koolerant and is non-flammable.  Add 9 parts of water to each part of Covington’s concentrated diamond blade Koolerant #1.  Mix well before pouring into the saw.  Make sure the blade does not sit in the koolerant for an extended period when sawing is completed, as the blade can be damaged. Shipped Meridian, ID SKU-CK1100.

Additional information

Weight 9 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 11 in


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